Abelard Joins As Sponsor To Help End Hunger

Released on: October 20, 2007, 11:53 am

Press Release Author: Caroline Melbeg

Industry: Construction

Press Release Summary: The Neighborhood House Hunger Learning Series works to
eliminate hunger in Minnesota, and help low-income Americans move from poverty to

Press Release Body: MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA - OCTOBER 17, 2007 - Abelard
Construction, the premier residential restoration firm in the Midwest, announced
today that it has agreed to sponsor the Neighborhood House Hunger Learning Series,
2007. The Hunger Learning Series is a series of leadership conferences engaging
policymakers, emergency food system staff, public and private sector leaders, and
the public at large. Its purpose is to build the community will to end hunger in

\"Abelard Construction started out as a business helping people make it through tough
times resulting from storms, accidents, or other unforeseen home maintenance
requirements,\" says Brian Southard, Abelard co-founder. \"The Neighborhood House is
locally based, focused on helping new immigrants and homeowners, and has a mission
that aligns tightly with our own goals as a company.\"

The final 2007 Neighborhood House Learning Conference, expected to draw 300
attendees, will be held November 8, 2007, at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center
for Community Building in St. Paul.

Besides Abelard Construction, other sponsors include Land O\' Lakes, Inc., the
Greater Twin Cities United Way, Seneca, and the Minneapolis Foundation. Confirmed
speakers at the event include Joel Berg of the New York City Coalition against
Hunger; Representative Marty Seifert (R-MN); Sue Kainz, Campaign Coordinator at
Minnesota Food Share; Senator Mee Moua (invited); Lydia Botham, Executive Director
at Land O\' Lakes, Inc. (invited); Mike Luker, and CEO Cargill Kitchen Solutions

Hunger Partners committee members who will share community recommendations to end
hunger in Minnesota include Marcia Fink, Basic Needs Director at the Greater Twin
Cities United Way; Colleen Moriarty, Executive Director of Hunger Solutions; Barbara
Thell, Executive Director of Minnesota FoodShare; John Kemp, Executive Director of
Neighbors Inc.; and Tim Barnes, Executive Director of the Emergency Foodshelf

Abelard\'s sponsorship will be applied to cover all or partial conference
registration fees for individuals and non-profit organizations seeking assistance in
attending the events.

About Abelard Construction. Abelard Construction is headquartered in Maryland
Heights, Missouri, with offices in Maryland Heights; Indianapolis, Indiana;
Columbus, Ohio and Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Abelard is committed to the
communities it serves, and keeps established branches in place, providing employment
and resources for long-term cooperative growth. Visit www.abelardconstruction.com
or call 1.888.260.ROOF.
About Neighborhood House. Founded in 1897 to provide basic services to immigrant
families, Neighborhood House is a multicultural, multilingual community center with
services for all ages and open doors for all people. It is often a first stop for
new immigrants and refugees. Neighborhood House fulfills its mission by providing
emergency assistance, long-term social assistance, youth activities, family
enrichment, culturally specific education and empowerment initiatives,
AmeriCorps*Youth Works, scholarships, seniors services, and much more. Visit
http://www.neighb.org or call 651.789.2500.

Dave Dix
Small Business Mavericks

Web Site: http://www.AbelardConstruction.com

Contact Details: Abelard Construction
Headquarters - St. Louis
11088 Mill Park Dr. Suite #128
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Phone: (314) 423 5656
Toll-Free: (888) 260 ROOF

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